Live Life Smiling
Important advice to aid the healing process
This guide is designed to offer advice after your implants have been placed. By carefully following this advice, you will enhance the healing process and reduce any complications.
Take paracetamol + ibuprofen x 1 tab each together every 6 hours for 48 hours after the procedure with food.
There is always an element of pain involved with any surgical procedure. The amount of pain you experience will depend on the complexity of the implant surgery you have just had. However, as a general rule you should expect some pain for 2-3 days after the procedure. We will provide you pain medication which should be taken regularly for a few days after the procedure. Care must be taken not to exceed the maximum dose. DO NOT TAKE ASPIRIN OR ASPIRIN COMPOUNDS AS IT MAY INDUCE BLEEDING.
Swelling is a normal occurrence after surgery. Use an ice pack at 30-minute intervals for the first 24-48 hours after surgery. DON’T WAIT use an ice pack even if no swelling is noticeable. If the swelling persists after 48 hours, then please contact us.
Some bleeding is normal for 24 hours after the procedure. If there is excessive bleeding or it continues beyond the second day please contact us.
Limit strenuous activities such as jogging and swimming for approximately 24 hours following your procedure.
- Do not rinse your mouth on the day of the surgery.
- 24 hours after the procedure, bathe the surgical site with hot salt water mouthwashes (dissolve a teaspoon of salt in a glass of warm water), 2x a day for 3 days.
- After this use the corsodyl mouthwash that was given to you, 2x a day for the next 3 days.
- Avoid vigorous rinsing, as this will dislodge the blood clot and therefore delay healing.
Take 200mg (one tablet) of Metronidazole 3x a day for 5 days. Avoid Alcohol
We go to great lengths to prevent infection during implant placement. However, there is always a small possibility that the site can become infected. It is essential that you take the full course of antibiotics without skipping doses. If you experience an adverse reaction to your medication then please contact us.
Brush and floss your teeth as usual but avoid the surgical area for 24 hours after the procedure. Avoid using a water pik.
Do not smoke because it delays healing and increases the chance of infection.

- A proper diet is an essential part of dental implant surgery after care.
- We recommend a soft diet for the first few weeks after implant placement.
- You should not eat or drink hot food or drink for 24 hours after your surgery, because this can encourage bleeding.
- Avoid hard or crusty foods especially during the first part of the post-operative phase.
- Alcohol will break down the blood clot and therefore should be avoided for at least a week.
- Drink plenty of fluids
- Avoid checking the implant with your tongue as this could disturb and irritate the implant area.
- Taking a daily vitamin supplement with a minimum of 1000mg of vitamin C will encourage healing. We may also recommend homeopathic arnica to promote healing.
Temporary dentures should only be used for appearance and should be left out at night in case they traumatise the implant. Insertion of dentures too early may jeopardize a successful healing process. Dentures must also be kept meticulously clean. They should not be worn for the first two weeks unless absolutely necessary.
There is a possibility of numbness in the lower lip and chin when placing implants in the lower jaw. In most cases this is transient but very rarely this can be permanent. Please report any numbness to the surgery.
Nose bleeds
If implants have been placed for upper back teeth you should avoid blowing your nose for 2 weeks after surgery. This applies to any form of sinus lift or graft procedure. Please report any nose bleeds to the practice.
Please make an appointment 2 weeks after your surgical procedure for a review. Sutures do not require removal as they are dissolvable.