Welcome to Brentwood Orthodontic & Implant centre
Dentist Referrals
We’re a specialist NHS orthodontic provider.

Dentist Referral
At Brentwood Orthodontic & Implant Centre, we are pleased to accept referrals from dentists in Brentwood and the surrounding area.
Our continued high levels of patient satisfaction have resulted in a steady stream of new referrals from clinicians throughout the area.
We like to ensure the referral process is efficient, rapid and reliable. In order to make the service quick and efficient please see the links below, which allow you to print out a downloadable PDF referral form which can be either posted or sent via email through NHS net.
Our NHS net email address is brentwood.orthodontic@nhs.net.
We ask you to kindly forward up-to-date contact details for your patients including e-mail addresses and mobile numbers for you and them, to allow for better communication.
To refer a patient for private Adult Orthodontics,
please contact us using the details below:
Call 01277 848818

Our Team
We pride ourselves on being as friendly and welcoming as we are professional.
Our orthodontic clinic helps children and adults have the perfect bite, and smile for life.
Our Reviews
What Our Patients Think About Us
Our Reviews
Before & After
With world-class Orthodontic specialists, a highly qualified Oral Surgery & General Dentistry team, Facial Rejuvenation experts, state of the art technology and relaxing environment.

Michaela | Invisalign Treatment
Michaela was unhappy with her protruding teeth and narrow smile. She is now delighted that her teeth have been straightened. Michaela had comprehensive Invisalign treatment top and bottom.